A Musical Tale of Bravery & Mystery
A time-fluid journey through the life of maverick Aviatrix, Amelia Earhart: the misogyny she faced, the love she discovered, and the people she influenced behind the headlines.
Timeless Stage & Screen, AF Theatricals, and CMG Worldwide, Inc. present Amelia: A Musical Tale of Bravery & Mystery, the new musical chronicling the life of the pioneering and iconic pilot, Amelia Earhart. Authorized by the Amelia Earhart Estate.
Her truncated life is immortalized by timeless originals from Tegan Summer & Desi Oakley and an array of multi-genre classics that defined the 1920s and 1930s. This groundbreaking musical augments the rules of time in its unique storytelling format, and incorporates cutting-edge technology that recreates her ill-fated attempt to circumnavigate the globe with Fred Noonan.
Amelia championed the advancement of women in aviation and society; Amelia: A Musical Tale of Bravery & Mystery is a celebration of the woman, her indomitable spirit, and the female pioneers that came long after she disappeared from the horizon.
Book & Lyrics
TEGAN SUMMERMusic & Additional Lyrics
DESI OAKLEYChoreography